Toyota Jakarta Indonesia

toyota camry
toyota camry


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Spacious and smarter, with a more sporty aesthetic. Our iconic sedan continues to lead the pack with sharp styling and a host of sophisticated technologies for excellent performance on every drive.

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Buat Janji Temu Sekarang!


CAMRY 2.5 V A/T          809.800.000
CAMRY 2.5 V A/T ( PREMIUM COLOR )         812.900.000
CAMRY 2.5 L HYBRID A/T          945.400.000
CAMRY 2.5 L HYBRID A/T ( PREMIUM COLOR )         948.400.000

Color Options


Platinum White Pearl

*Color options might slightly be different from the actual color of the cars*


toyota camry

Enchanting LED Front Lamp

Make a remarkably appealing presence with the new front lamp design.
toyota camry

New Bold Rear Lamp

Charm the road from behind with elongated shape rear lamp.
toyota camry

New Captivating Interior Design

Not just a luxurious presentation, the New Toyota Camry also gives you a convenient driving experience.
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toyota camry

Adjustable Advanced Steering Wheel

To keep you always in control.
toyota camry

New Authentic Titanium Ornamentation

Around the cabin that braces a suitable atmosphere that makes convenience is always in satisfaction.


toyota camry

The invention of innovation

In a constant search of improvements, Toyota New Global Architecture aims to achieve the fundamental vehicle platform. All newly created structure is made to maximize driving experience, uniting the driver and vehicle.
toyota camry

New Engine Gasoline

With the new gasoline engine, the Toyota Camry gives luxury and comfort while driving and provides high performance with more power, but still grants fuel-efficient and environmentally frendly.
toyota camry

7 SRS Air Bag

Surrounded with 7 SRS airbags to reduce impacts and provide every passenger’s safety and comfort even at crucial moments.


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Toyota sangat peduli terhadap keamanan dan kenyamanan Anda saat berkendara.
T-Care memberikan Anda Bebas Biaya Jasa Servis Berkala dan Suku Cadang* sebanyak 7x servis selama 3 tahun.

Frequently asked questions

Promo Khusus Toyota Camry Bulan ini anda bisa dapatkan potongan harga spesial dan benefit lain seperti :

  • Free Jasa Service dan Spare Part 1.000 – 60.000 km (maks 3 th)*
  • Garansi Mesin hingga 100.000 km (maks 3 th)
  • Garansi Accu / Aki 1 Tahun / 20.000 Km
  • Talang Air
  • Free Karpet Beludru
  • Kaca Film 3M Garansi 5 Tahun Resmi
  • ‎Free Tatakan Plat
  • ‎Free Bahan Bakar senilai 200.000
  • Include Dongkrak, kotak P3K, Kunci-kunci, dll
  • Free Aksesoris Menarik lainnya

Jangan Sampai Ketinggalan Promo Ini Terbatas.

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Khusus Untuk Anda Pembelian di Bulan ini bisa mendapatkan Diskon Spesial Untuk Pembelian Cash & Kredit, Silahkan Menghubungi Tim Sales Kami.

Untuk unit CKD (Rakitan Dalam Negri) stnk estimasi akan jadi kurang lebih 14 hari setelah pengajuan AFI Stnk, dan untuk unit CBU (Mobil Import) Stnk akan jadi kurang lebih dalam waktu 30 Hari.

Trade-in adalah program tukar tambah mobil Anda yang lama dengan yang baru. Kami Hargai Mobil lama anda dengan harga terbaik.

Program Spektuler kamu berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan gratis asuransi 2 tahun senilai Rp 16 juta, Berlaku untuk semua tipe Avanza, Veloz, dan Rush, dengan DP mulai 10%, 15%, 20%, dan 25%.

program spektakuler toyota cicilan

Tersedia DP mulai dari 10% atau 30 jutaan dan cicilan mulai dari 4 jutaan.


Ready Stock Camry NIK 2023 Diskon Puluhan Juta

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